Why I Get Weekly Acupuncture (And Why You Should Too)

Have you ever heard the saying “you can’t pour from an empty cup?” This is all too true for me, and for most of the people I treat in clinic. Self-care is not something that comes naturally to most of us. It’s hard to make it through the obligations of the day, let alone set time aside to consciously make the effort it takes to care for ourselves. I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not the best at staying on top of self care. I don’t eat the right foods, I spend WAY too much time looking at screens, I hardly exercise and sometimes I go a little too long between doctor’s visits. The one thing I DO do for myself, however, is visit an acupuncturist once a week. Why? Because it’s the one thing I do FOR ME! No one else, just ME. Laying down on the table, drifting off into an “acu-nap” and leaving all the weight of the day behind, is the purest form of relaxation. I can honestly say, without a doubt, I am a better, healthier, happier person because I make these moments for myself.

“…without a doubt, I am a better, healthier, happier person because I make these moments for myself.”

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